21:00, CINEMA
Frankfurt squats
Short films with input and discussion, 60min
“Frankfurt – the city of squatting” was the headline of a major German newspaper a few months ago. Of course media blah-blah, but in Frankfurt (am Main, Germany) something is possible: several larger squats with a high response from the population. Gündi West, Dorndorf Druckerei, the Berger Kino. Two activists from the Frankfurt scene come by and talk about projects, strategies and all sorts of things. Without academic babble, more report from the actions.
09:00 – 11:00, Play & Sports
Kubb and Boules Fun
11:00 – 13:00, Play & Sports
13:00 – 15:00, Play & Sports
14:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr, AKS
Kinderfreundlicher Safespace
Kritischer Austausch und Vernetzung zum Thema Kinder, und selbstbestimmte Familienformen! Büchertisch zum Thema rund um Familie, Elternschaft, Carework und Wohnformen! Sirup, Spielzeug und Gentrifiezierungsdrache bauen! -Bring your Kidzh-
Squatters Bingo
Just bingo, 30min
Health situation in camps
Input with discussion, 90min
Many people in Zurich’s asylum centres are ill. Who isn’t, will become ill there. Regardless of whether it is a federal asylum centre (german: “Bundesasylzentrum”, BAZ), a transit centre (german: “Durchgangszentrum”, DZ) or so-called return centres (german: “Rückkehrzentrum”), a healthy and dignified life is made impossible in the camps. We report on the health situation and the resistance in the camps.
14:00, CINEMA
As a queer-feminist interim use against gentrification?
Input with discussion, 60min
“Streikhaus” is one of the few non-commercial spaces in our increasingly and blatantly gentrified city – and it is an interim use. We as Streikhaus asked ourselves whether we – as interim users – can act against gentrification and if yes, how. We have been dealing with the question for a while now, so in this input, we provide insights into our considerations and ongoing processes.
15:00, CINEMA
Filmclub populaire
Zwei Kurzfilme (The Key und They Do Not Exist) mit anschliessender Diskussionsmöglichkeit
Der Filmclub Populaire zeigt politische Filme und konzentriert sich auf antiimperialistische, antikoloniale Kämpfe und Arbeiterbewegungen.
Erster Film:
The Key (1976) von Ghaleb Shaath beleuchtet die nachhaltigen Auswirkungen der palästinensischen Vertreibung und ethnischen Säuberung nach der Gründung Israels. Anhand von Interviews mit jüdischen Dichtern und Palästinensern im Exil zeigt der Film die anhaltende Widerstandsfähigkeit des palästinensischen Volkes angesichts von Besatzung und Unterdrückung.
Zweiter Film:
They Do Not Exist (1973) von Mustafa Abu Ali ist eine ergreifende Antwort auf Golda Meirs Behauptung, dass „die Palästinenser nicht existieren“. Der Dokumentarfilm, der mit echten Aufnahmen arbeitet, zeigt das Leben in den Flüchtlingslagern im Libanon und den Widerstand der Guerilla gegen die israelischen AngriEe und symbolisiert einen entscheidenden Moment im revolutionären palästinensischen Kino.
Rent Struggles
15:00 Uhr, Kiosk
Digital security for activists
15:00 – 17:00, Play & Sports
Bring your frisbee
Wald statt Repression
Die Zusammenhänge der Klimakrise, Gentrifizierung und Repression
Am Beispiel der Waldbesetzung in Rümlang letztes Jahr, sprechen wir darüber, wie die Gentrifizierung und der masslose Abriss von Häusern die Klimakrise befeuert und Bauschuttdeponien die lokale Biodiversität gefährden. Auch thematisieren wir die Härte der Repression, mit welcher der Staat gegen diejenigen vorgeht, die gegen eine solche Deponie protestiert haben und damit zu einem Präzedenzfall bezüglich Polizeieinsatz-Kostenüberwälzung wurden.
Reclaiming the territory
Input and discussion, 60min
Strategies for Building Political Resistance in the Capitalist City. Followed by information on the housing demo in Winterthur on 2.11.2024
17:00, Kiosk
Talk with Elsi
Elsi squat (Basel)
17:00 -19:00, Play & Sports
Organize for System Change
The demand to take back power
Housing crisis, Climate catastrophe, colonial continuities: It is clear to all of us that we have to fight for systemic change across the movement – and that this is often difficult in practice. But based on the findings of the Strike for Futures, we as a climate strike present our proposal on how we can work together on the countervailing power.
18:00, CINEMA
Students for Palestine
Students for Palestine – We are a group of committed students from various Zurich universities who actively oppose settler colonialism and apartheid in Palestine. As part of the international solidarity movement with the liberation and self-determination struggle of the Palestinians, we tried to occupy UZH and ETH several times in May to draw attention to our demands and protest against the complicity of our institutions. At this information event, we report on our experiences and show a self-produced short film about the repressive treatment of UZH and its police operations during a peaceful demonstration. In addition, we give a small input on how systematic oppression and cultural erasure can extend across continents.
19:00, CINEMA
Settlers’ Colonial Expulsion in the Cities of Palestine
The event takes a look at the reality of the expulsion of Palestinians by Israeli settler policies in Jerusalem and Hebron. Using concrete examples, it is shown how this approach is part of a comprehensive system of apartheid supported by laws and state-of-the-art military surveillance. It becomes clear how the Palestinian population is increasingly disenfranchised and their livelihoods are being shattered.
21:00, CINEMA
The Night Won’t End (2024), 78 min
Filmclub Populaire
A contemporary documentary by Al Jazeera English, deals with the ongoing Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and sheds light on the harrowing experiences of three Palestinian families. The film highlights the tragic human cost of the conflict, focusing on Israel’s military actions and the role of the US in this war.
12:00, Gesamter PolitSpace
Good morning cafe
Breakfast gathering
12:00, Play & Sports
Yoga and jogging for the motivated
14:00, main stage
*Special Guests*
The police failures, open discussion, 90min
Help clean up the space